The competence in the field of sustainable energy use and environmental protection consists not only of professional information and advanced solutions. Daily habits are the basis for long-term and permanent change. Building them and constantly increasing knowledge means that more and more positive and effective solutions are used in practice. They concern the functioning of our households as well as the lifestyle we lead. The effects become visible thanks to the regularity of their implementation, which results in positive changes for society and the world.
The proper functioning of a household is inextricably linked to the daily use of utilities: electricity, heat and water. These are basic resources whose presence seems to be obvious, which is why we usually do not think about where they come from.
Thanks to the fourth topic of the e-course, you will learn: How much energy does your home need? Are appropriate behaviours connected with the seasons? How can you heat and cool your apartment? What is the importance of decrease of CO2 emissions or avoid the smog? What exactly is a water footprint and how to calculate it? You will expand your knowledge, and then by implementing selected habits, you will make your household more energy efficient!
In addition to the appropriate use of your household resources, your lifestyle is also important aspect. Have you ever wondered how your behaviour affects other people and the world around you? Climate change is a long-term process. Many factors have led to the current climate situation. Over the years, we become more and more aware of the importance of our daily actions. Travel habits, the means of transport chosen on a daily basis, and even the availability and use of space around us all affect the climate. Actions in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and avoiding the linear economy bring significant and positive changes in environmental protection, but also in the functioning of the economy. Everyday nutritional and shopping decisions have a long-term impact on your household budget and the environment.
The aim of this part of the training is to familiarize yourself with the impact of a sustainable lifestyle and energy consumption on everyday life, as well as to show how making well-thought-out choices and effective use of available resources changes reality. This part of the course will also allow you to summarize the knowledge acquired so far and find its application in your everyday life. Find out how your lifestyle affects others. See what changes you can make. Find out what impact you have on the world around you.
Be aware of energy and the benefits will follow!