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pomiar wodomierzyModern lifestyle implies an increase in energy use to achieve an ever-increasing standard of living. Since we need energy for everything we do and energy resources on Earth are limited, it is necessary to use energy rationally, primarily replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources.

Wise and rational use of energy becomes the responsibility of all of us to ensure sufficient amounts of energy for the future. We will always need energy to live, which is precisely why we must consider future generations' energy needs. To become rational and conscientious energy consumers, we must educate ourselves and apply what we have learned daily.

To become responsible energy consumers, in the second topic of the EL-Practice course, Energy use and Green Deal objectives, we will learn what makes up the European energy mix, understand energy consumption in the EU, what implications energy consumption has on the environment and discover alternatives to fossil fuels. In addition, we will present the European Green Deal, its goals, and other essential climate strategies of the European Union.

What does Energy mix mean, and why is it important? The term “energy mix” refers to the combination of the various primary energy sources used to meet energy needs in a given geographic region. It includes fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), nuclear energy, and the many sources of renewable energy (wood and other bioenergies, hydro, wind, solar, and geothermal)[1]. A diversified energy mix is essential because it enables energy security if one of the energy sources fails. Importance of which we have experienced in the current energy crisis. Also, energy is a key source of economic growth; therefore, keeping track of energy consumption in the EU is an important indicator of economic development and how to form future energy policies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Energy production and energy consumption come with consequences for the environment and climate. That is why we track and monitor greenhouse gas emissions to identify primary sources of emissions and develop measures to adapt to climate change. Did you know that the European Union has set an ambitious goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050? The European Green Deal is one of the answers to that challenge and will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy.

Dive deeper into Energy use and Green Deal objectives and make your small contribution towards the rational use of energy today. Topic two is waiting for you!


[1] https://www.planete-energies.com/en/medias/close/what-energy-mix