Welcome to the fourth newsletter of the El-pactice project summarizing the important events that took place over the past few months. By far the most important month of this year was January - this is when we officially launched the El-Practice course. On the way to this achievement, several important events were arranged, the detailed descriptions of which are included in this newsletter.
El-Practice at SDEWES Conference (24-29 September 2023) - The event emphasized increasing sustainability by decoupling growth from the use of natural resources and facilitating the transition to a knowledge-based economy.
C2 Short-Term Adult Training in Zagreb (2-6 October 2023) - Training organized by REGEA was a great opportunity to collaborate and exchange experiences on energy andsustainable development initiatives.
El-Practice at VIII Adult Education Forum (14-15 November 2023) - The event brought together experts, practitioners and all those involved in adult education and addressed, among other things, the fundamental topics of energy literacy.
All these events are described in more detail in the newsletter which you will find below. Feel free to check it out!